Landscape Hydration

Landscape Hydration is the implementation of deliberate landscape interventions that increase infiltration, storage and utilisation of water.  It is implemented to improve farm productivity, biodiversity and resilience to climate change.

Landscape hydration projects are often implemented in conjunction with other landscape interventions such as erosion control and mitigation, revegetation planning, groundcover management, water storage development and other landscape resilience projects.

Our Landcare group members are implementing projects and farm scale trials that build on the work of landscape hydration pioneers such as P.A. Yeomans (Keyline design), Bill Mollison and David Holmgren (Permaculture) and Peter Andrews (Natural Sequence Farming).

Landscape hydration techniques trialed in our region include

  • Keyline ripping
  • Swale construction
  • Leaky weirs
  • Improved farm dam design
  • Increase perennial pasture cover; and
  • Shelter belt plantings and waterway rehabilitation


Mulloon Institute Workshop

In 2022 the Gecko Clan provided workshops with the Mulloon Institute to improve landholder understanding of the importance of managing water in our landscape.

Peter Hazel, Principal Landscape Planner – Mulloon Institute (above) lead the workshop firstly outlining the importance of water in our landscape.  The concepts of water cycling, thermodynamic and the carbon cycle were presented.

Joel Leister, Manager – Floodplain Implementation, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) presented on Works on Waterways Permits and the importance of discussing any works on waterway with the Catchment Management Authority before works are implemented.

Information about Works on Waterways Permits can be found at the GBCMA website here: Works on Waterways Permit Information

On a farm walk followed where participants to the workshop were stepped though the process of reading the landscape across a range of scales.

Future Landscape Hydration Projects

The Gecko Clan is supporting member Landcare groups with projects such as the Turnip Creek Catchment Project (a partnership between members of the Warrenbayne-Boho Land Protection Group, Bush Heritage and Gecko Clan Landcare Network) to implement landscape scale interventions to improve landscape hydration and resilience.

Landscape Hydration and the related interventions continue to interest our member groups.  To support farmers and Landcare groups, the Gecko Clan with the support of Goulburn Broken CMA and Agriculture Victoria runs workshops relevant to these topics.  See the events page for upcoming workshops and field days.

For further information or assistance about Landscape Hydration and Planning contact your local Landcare group or Gecko Clan Landcare Network on ph. 0418 140 710.

Previous project implementing swales, keyline ripping and landscape hydration planning:


Related Events:

Free Event – Landscape Hydration with Peter Hazel, The Mulloon Institute