Whole Farm Planning Course


Register your interest in a whole farm planning course

to be held in Euroa during June and July 2017.

Topics covered include:

  • Session 1- Introduction to farm planning, creating your farm plan and land class mapping.
  • Session 2 – Introduction to soils and soil erosion (includes paddock session)
  • Session 3 – Farm water budget, farm layout and stock containment
  • Session 4 – Biodiversity in a farming system and shade and shelter
  • Session 5 – Pastures and grazing Management.

Time: 10.00 am to 3.00 pm

Cost: $150 per farming family.

This includes an aerial photo and manual which includes presenters’ notes.

The course will require minimum numbers to proceed.

Please register your interest to Kylie Macreadie, Agriculture Victoria, by emailing [email protected] or phone 02 6043 7922 by Monday 22 May.