Do you have gorse on your property?
Here’s your chance to finally clean your property of gorse
The Victorian Gorse Taskforce (VGT) is calling for project submissions for their 2017/2018 Community Grants Program.
- You and your neighbours or your local Landcare Group can attract up to $25,000 in grants to help combat gorse in your local area.
- The VGT will support groups, starting from small groups, who are genuinely willing to control gorse and stay on top of it.
- The VGT will consider projects under a Small Grants Program, up to $5,000 (GST exclusive) and a Large Facilitated Program up to $25,000 (GST exclusive).
Interested in finding out more?
Follow the links to the 2017/2018 project guidelines and application templates. Or contact the Executive Officer on 5561 9905.
How to apply
Submit your application including checklist and maps to [email protected] by the closing date.
Key Dates
Grant applications open Monday 1 May 2017
Grant Applications close Monday 5 June 2017
Gorse Management Agreement and Work PlanSmall Grant GuidelinesSmall Grant ApplicationLarge Grant GuidelinesLarge Grant Application