This update continues our series of short summaries of progress and plans related to geological research on the Strathbogie granite.
Our highlight for 2017 will be the International Granite Symposium in Benalla from 24-30 September. This will bring together speakers from overseas, interstate and across Victoria to discuss their recent granite research, and to spend time in the field looking at some of the exceptional granites of central Victoria.
Community lectures – Monday 25th September: We have made arrangements with the organisers for one day of the Symposium to be scientific lectures tailored for the community. Other days will be more technical and a showcase of leading granite research worldwide. Details on the community day ask Loraleen Gonzales or Julian Vearncombe at [email protected].
Last November we hosted some visiting scientists looking at different parts of the Strathbogie granite, the Cobaw plateau towards Pyalong, and Eildon area. At each location we were also thinking about ideal excursion stops for the Benalla Symposium. Professor John Clemens came from University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, and Dr Julian Vearncombe from Perth (Julian is the overall organiser of the Benalla Symposium). Leon Costermans, known to many for his iconic Victorian tree books but a geologist originally, has provided excellent insights into the interpretation and presentation of the Strathbogie granite research during his field visits. We have provided some Strathbogie examples to Leon as potential inclusions in his forthcoming geology book.
Plans are well underway for a busy field season from June onwards. Ms Caitlin Jay will be concluding her postgraduate project near Kerrisdale this year and is presenting at the Benalla Symposium. My own field work was focused around the Tallarook plateau last year, and this has been published recently. I am now focussed more towards the Highlands and Seven Creek plateaus, i.e. broadly, Caveat to Ruffy, Strathbogie and Lima East.
Community feedback of the Project findings has taken various forms at Tallarook, Seymour, Creighton Creek, Gooram, Yea and Swanpool. This year, apart from Benalla, a community project at Ruffy is underway. A guidebook for the geology of the Tallarook plateau is well advanced and will be ready for an excursion later this year.
To the many hundred supporters of the Strathbogie Granite Project thank you for your generous support, encouragement and access to private properties between Tallarook and Mt Samaria.
Neil Phillips (University of Melbourne) April 2017
Further details from Neil Phillips, PO Box 3 Central Park 3145 Victoria, [email protected].