The Gecko CLaN is pleased to hear that the former Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville, had committed $3.2 million to ensure the funding of Victoria’s 68 Landcare facilitator positions for another four years.
Although the Gecko CLaN only has the one Facilitator we are all very lucky that it is Kerri. It is great to know that funding is in place to support Kerri’s role for the next few years.
Facilitators build community capacity, assist communities to deliver local action, facilitate effective participation in Landcare activities and enable groups to become self-supporting. Our Landcare groups would not be as effective without the support of Kerri and other Landcare facilitators that have worked in this region over the years.
Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville said in the press release “A healthy environment provides the best quality of life for our communities. Landcare facilitators support local groups, projects and initiatives across the state to preserve the environment.”
But our members knew that anyway, didn’t we?