The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Resources and Transport has announced a second round of Stock Containment Area (SCA) Grants.
Financial assistance of up to $2,000 is available for each Stock Containment Area (SCA), with a maximum of three SCA or $6,000 per applicant. Each SCA holds 500 head of sheep or 165 cattle so you must have the relevant number of stock to qualify for extra SCA Grants.
Producers who were approved for an SCA grant in the first round of funding (Round One: December 2015 Drought Support Package) can apply for a second or third SCA, if they have the relevant livestock numbers as described above.
For further information or to submit an EOI form please see the GBCMA website here
EOIs can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Goulburn Broken CMA, PO Box 124, Benalla VIC 3672.
The EOI period commences on Monday 21 March and concludes on Saturday 14 May 2016.