Soil erosion is back on the agenda for local landholders with 30 farmers attending Gecko CLaN’s field day on soil erosion on Friday 14th March. The field day was the first of many that will be delivered across the Gecko CLaN region as part of the Gecko CLaN’s project ‘Reverse the Dirt’.
The day featured information on gully erosion, tunnel erosion and salinity including techniques on how to control problems. Excavators were present demonstrating how to control gully erosion through excavating areas and sculpting with geo-fabric and rock. The day highlighted the need for grasses to hold soil in areas susceptible to erosion, and the need for rabbit control as burrows can often be the trigger of an erosion problem.
Brad Costin and Kerri Goschnick of DEPI and experienced excavating contractors were on-hand to provide personalised advice to attendees with erosion problems. The Gecko CLaN are delivering the project in partnership with DEPI with funding from the federal government.
Landcare Project Officer Kerri Robson was interviewed at the field day by Country News.