The new online Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken Catchment has just been released.
The guide can be found at the link here:
It is also available in the Resources Tab of the Gecko CLaN website
Landholders are encouraged to trial the Online Guide on their property and send feedback to the Catchment Management Authority.
The species lists have been compiled after extensive literature searches, ground truthing and collaboration with local botanical experts.
There are 3 Species lists you can choose from and print out.
- Plants appearing in the Standard Revegetation List are hardy and robust species that are strong competitors that will provide structure to a site. Species listed are commonly available at indigenous nurseries, however ordering early is recommended.
- Plants appearing in the Enhanced Revegetation List are species that will provide diversity to a site and provide a missing layer, e.g. small shrub and ground layer. Many of these species may be outcompeted in weedy sites therefore good weed management and site selection is essential. Species listed may not be commonly available from indigenous nurseries or Seedbank and may require advanced orders up to 18 months.
- Plants appearing in the EVC Species List are a general representation of what species may be found within that EVC for that zone. Many species listed may not be available from indigenous nurseries or Seedbank.
The GBCMA would like to thank those community members who contributed their botanical knowledge and expertise to this new version of the GB Revegetation Guide.
For further information or to provide feedback on the guide please contact Jim Begley, Landscape Restoration Officer, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority at [email protected].