The Gecko Clan Landcare Network is very pleased to congratulate the Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN), who’s innovative approach to rabbit management was acknowledged with a prestigious international award this week.
The United Nations Public Service Award was awarded to Agriculture Victoria for the inclusive and innovative work of the VRAN initiative.
The program has taken a long-term, collaborative approach, across the state, to manage one of Victoria’s most invasive species, the European rabbit.
VRAN committee community members Gerald Leach and Kaye Rodden, along with Agriculture Victoria program manager Michael Reid travelled to Baku, Azerbaijan, to accept the award at a ceremony on UN Public Service Day.
The award was contested by programs from Europe, the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, and Victoria’s program was successful for bringing together a diverse range of perspectives from those affected by rabbits – such as land managers, farmers, scientists, government officials and the wider community.
The network hosts learning and mentoring networks, including its highly successful rabbit management ‘bootcamps’, and supports people and organisations to collaborate on rabbit action. It also provides occasional funding grants to support community learning, innovation and rabbit management.
This short video, featuring some of VRAN’s leaders and Agriculture Victoria staff members, was broadcast at the awards ceremony to a global audience of 400 delegates, including world leaders, ministers and senior government officials.