Gecko CLaN and Granite Creeks Network invite Landcare members from within the Granite Creeks area to attend an Agricultural Chemical Users course in Euroa.
The course will include:
Full Farm Chemical Course 2 days
- Prepare and Apply Chemicals
- Transport , Handle and Store Chemicals
Farm Chemical Users ( refresher )
- Minimise risk in the use of Chemicals
1080 Pest Control Course ( this session is on a needs bases )
- Implement the legislative requirements for the use of 1080
- Minimising Risks in the use of 1080.
The dates are –
Monday the 3rd of April starting at 9.00am to 3.00pm
Monday the 10th April staring at 9.00am to 3.00pm
- Cost starting from 1 to 10 participants is @ $300 per person and if we have more the rate will be less.
- Venue is at the Euroa Bowls Club 1 Templeton street.
- Morning Tea and lunch provided for the 2 days.
- You must book by the 30th March to Kerri Robson –
- 0418 140 710 or [email protected]
See Gecko CLaN events for information
The Granite Creeks Project –
Rabbit Control Program – Ripping Program 2017/18
Open to all Landholders of the Landcare groups within the Granite Creeks Project area.
If you have any question please don’t hesitate to call me